Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Saggy Butt Blues

We all want that toned butt that is firm and high but it seems so impossible to achieve now there are very few workouts that target your butt muscles exactly but there are a few that lift that saggy butt to give you a younger feel (before starting these exercises which should only be performed 3-5 times a week please not that if you feel any pain do not continue with the workout
1. 45 squats (15 pliƩ: toes facing outwards, 15 wide: wide stance so your butt can touch all the way to the ground, 15 regular)
2. 60 squat jumps (3 intervals of 20: start in a low squat position and using your arms jump up and when you land bend your knees until your back to the squat position)
3. 100 Fire Hydrants (25 side both legs and 25 back both legs: they are called fire hydrants because while doing them you look like a peeing dog. now this can be done with or without weights. if you are using weights I don't recommend going above eight pounds. For the side fire hydrant ( For the side you cannot use weights. ) get down on all fours with your knees touch the ground. Take your leg Nd raise your knee towards your hip while still bending it. For the back fire hydrants (if you are using weights hold it on the back of your knee) raise your foot towards your butt but do not extend your leg.
Good luck!

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